Feb 15, 2013

Outfit of the Day

Ovo je moj outfit of the day. Jedna casual varijanta koja se jednostavnim detaljima može vrlo lahko pretvoriti u elegantni izgled (kaiš, štikle, nakit, drugačiji način pravljenja mahrame...)
Dan je bio tmuran ali iznenađujuće topao, tako da nisam oblačila ništa osim tunike i kaputa. Mislim da svaka djevojka treba da uživa u onome što nosi i da joj u tome treba da bude udobno. Izgled dolazi tek kasnije :D

This is my outfit of the day. Just a casual look that could easily be turned into a more elegant look by adding a belt, heels, jewelry and a different way of wearing a hijab. 
The day was cloudy, but surprisingly warm, so I didn't have to wear many layers. I think every girl should feel comfortable and confident in her clothes. 

 Kaput/Coat- Kinyobi x friday x donna Centrepoint
 Tunika/Tunique- Red Tag
Farmerke/Jeans- Hollister
Čizme/Boots- Astra
Torba/Bag- Springfield
Mahrama/Hijab- GLSY

