Feb 12, 2013

Makarone sa suhim sirom

*1 pakovanje makarona
*Rendani suhi sir (po želji)
*2 kašike domaćeg kajmaka (ili pavlake)
*1 kašika putera
*Vegeta, suhi peršun, celer

Skuhati makarone u slanoj vodi. Procijediti.
U tavu istopiti kašiku putera i u to dodati skuhane makarone, miješati dok ne počnu "pucketati". U to dodati kajmak i dobro izmiješati. Začiniti i dodati suhi sir, promiješati i servirati.

Mac and cheese
*2 tb spoons sour cream
*1 tb spoon butter
*Salt, parsley, celery

Cook macaroni in salty water. After they are cook strain them.
Melt butter in a pan and add macaroni and stir for a while. Add sour cream, salt, parsley, celery and mix until combined. After it is cooked add cheese and eat warm.

1 comment:

  1. mm
    looks tasty <3

    love, Yulia
