Mar 3, 2013

5 Simple Recipes

1.       Fish and potato

Zagrijati rernu na 170*.
Ribu isjeći na manje komade. Poredati u tepsiju.
U zdjelu pomiješati kašiku ulja, narendanu koru jednog limuna, pola limunovog soka, 1/8 kašičice ruzmarina, 1/8 kašičice crnog bibera, 1/8 kašičice soli. Posuti preko ribe i peći oko 25 minuta. Skuhati 5-6 krompira sa korom. Oguliti ih i isjeći na kockice. Isjeći luk i dodati u krompir, pobiberiti i dodati malo limunovog soka.

Preheat oven to 170*.
Cut fish into small pieces. Put them in a pan.
In a separate dish mix 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, grate the lemon rind, half lemon juice, 1/8 teaspoon rosemary, 1/8 teaspoon black pepper, 1/8 teaspoon salt. Pour over the fish, and cook for 25 minutes. Cook 5-6 unpeeled potatoes. Peel them and cut them in small pieces, add onion cut in small pieces put some black pepper, lemon juice (as much as you want).

2.       Mushrooms, cheese and mushed potatoes

Isjeći luk i propržiti na vrelom ulju. Očistiti i isjeći gljive na tanke listove i dodati u luk. Dinstati, dodati začine po želji, zatim malo vode. Kad se skuhaju, razmutiti kašiku brašna sa malo vode i dodati u gljive.  Krompir skuhati i pripremiti pire sa malo mlijeka i domaćeg masla.
Isjeći domaći sir, narendati domaći suhi sir, i preliti domaćim kajmakom.

Cut one small onion and put in hot oil. Clean and cut in small pieces the mushrooms and add them into onion. Put some salt, and add everything you want, some water and let it cook. When it is cooked, mix 1 tablespoon of flour and some water, add it into mushrooms.
Cook the potatoes, and do the simplest routine to get your favorite mushed potatoes.
Cut every kind of cheese you have and enjoy.

3.       Fish and rice

Priprema ribe kao u prvom receptu.
Rižu oprati i staviti na vrelo ulje. Dinstati dok ne postane tvrda. U to dodavati vodu sve dok riža ne bude skuhana. Glavni začin je kurkuma. So vegeta, biber, đumbir po želji.
Skuhati jaje i isjeći na kriške.
Oprati zelenu salatu, isjeći na sitne komade, posuti sokom od narandže i maslinovim uljem.

I made fish as in the first recipe.
Rice put on hot oil and cook until crunchy. Add water until cooked. The main seasoning is turmeric. Add salt, pepper and ginger.
Cook eggs and cut them as you like.
Cut lettuce, add orange juice and olive oil.

4.       Chicken, mushrooms and barley

Isjeći pileća prsa na što tanje komade. Premazati željenim začinima. Staviti u vrelo ulje i pržiti dok ne dobiju lijepu zlatnu boju.
Očistiti i isjeći gljive i ubaciti ih u zagrijano ulje i izdinstani luk. Pržiti dok ne budu mehke i jestive. Dodati malo vrhnja za kuhanje, začiniti i izmiješati.
U litar kipuće vode usuti čašu ječma. Kuhati dok ne ispari sva voda a ječam bude mehak i krupan.

Cut chicken breasts so they are thinner. Coat the chicken with your favorite seasoning mix. Put on hot oil and take them out when golden-brown.
Cut the muchrooms in small pieces and put in oil when onion gets golden color. Add seasonings, and when coocked add cream.
In 1l boiling water add one cup of barley. Cook until soft and dense. 

5.       Patties and grains

Mljeveno meso, hljeb, luk, so i biber izmiješati rukama i oblikovati pljeskavice. Pržiti na vrelom ulju oko 3-4 minute na svakoj strani. Staviti na papirom prekriven tanjir da upije masnoću.
U litar vode dodati čašu miješanih žitarica. Začiniti i kuhati dok voda ne ispari a žitarice budu skuhane, krupne i mehke.
Skuhati jaje i isjeći na kriške. Dodati malo sira.
Preliti sa 3-4 kašike otopljenim kajmakom/pavlakom. U to dodati vegetu i začine po želji.

Minced meat, cut bread, cut onion, salt and pepper mix with your hand. Shape patties and put on hot oil. Cook about 3-4 minutes each side. Put on a plate with paper so the oil goes away.
In 1l boiling water add 1 cup grains. Add seasonings and cook untill soft and dense.
Cook eggs and cut them. Add some cheese.
Dressing: put few(3-4) spoons of cream into a pan. Let it melt and then add seasoning. Stir together and serve with meat. 

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