Apr 20, 2013

March favorites/worst

Hello beauties !
I've been so busy lately, I had midterms and had no time for blogging, I didn't sleep either :/
But I am here now. So many beautiful things happen to me and I am so grateful and happy. This post will be dedicated to some products that I've used up and repurchased, as well as about those that I don't need buying and those that I will never buy again. Yes, there are some products that I regret buying. I will list the pictures down bellow and list the products and some explanation or intro. So here we go :D

Drage moje ljepotice !
U posljednje vrijeme sam bila užasno zauzeta i nisam imala vremena za blogovanje. Naravno sada sam tu i u ovom postu ću pisati o proizvodima koje volim i koje sam ponovo kupila, koje ću kupiti, govoriću o proizvodima koji mi uopće ne trebaju i o onim za koje se kajem što sam ih ikad kupila. Ispod ćete vidjeti slike i opis svakog proizvoda. Uživajte :D

1. Revelique matte & lasting make-up foundation-Repurchased because it is the best foundation and shade that I've ever had and used/Kupila sam ponovo jer je to najbolji puder koji sam ikada imala
2. Carlo di roma bronzing pearls-Not going to repurchase because it will take me 10 years to finish it :P/Neću ponovo kupiti jer će mi trebati dugo vremena da potrošim
3. Miss Sporty liquid Concealer-Liked it but not going to repurchase for now, I got bored of it, I alreadz bought new one/Sviđa mi se ali neću ga još kupiti jer mi je dosadio a kupila sam drugi da isprobam
4. Miss Sporty Studio Lash Eyeliner(Liquid Liner)-This is the second time I purchased it and I am going to keep purchasing forever. I love it !/Ovo je već drugi put da sam ga kupila i kupovaću ga do kraja svog života. Najbolji je.
5. Loreal Double Extension Mascara-Liked it bout not going to purchase it for now because I have other to finish up/Svidjela mi se ali je neću još kupiti jer imam druge maskare koje trebam potrošiti
6. Clearskin Professional Treatment Avon-I will never purchase it, because it doesn't do the job. I'm sorrz but it is too expensive for doing absolutely nothing/Nikada ga više neću kupiti jer mi uopće nije pomogao i mislim da je preskup tretman koji uopće nije koristan
7. Avon care-I like it and when I run out of it I will probably buy another one, but I love more mz Loreal one/Svidjela mi se krema i vjerovatno kada je potrošim da ću je opet kupiti ali mi se više sviđa Loreal koju također koristim
8. Avon Solution Fresh Pure Refreshing Toner-I don't see any differece on my face,  after I finish it up I don't think I will repurchase it/Nisam primijetila nikakvu promjenu na svom licu i vjerovatno kad potrošim neću ga više kupovati
9. Avon Conditioning Eye Makeup Remover-I like my Loreal makeup remover more than this one, I won't repurchase it/Više mi se sviđa Loreal makeup remover nego ovaj jer nije ništa posebno

1. Head&Shoulders Ocean Energy-It has a beautiful smell, like mint, it is strong and it keeps hair cool which is great. I don't know if I will repurchase it but I know I loved it/Ima prelijep miris, kao menta, jak je i drži kosu u nekom hladnom stanju što je predobro. Ne znam da li ću ga ponovo kupiti ali znam da mi se puno sviđa
2. Balea Limited Edition Shower Gel Cherry- I love it !!! I am so sad because it is limited edition, if I ever find it again I will definitely repurchase it. the smell is so great and it is soft on the skin. The best./Predobro !!! Ako ponovo naiđem na ovaj gel za tuširanje, odmah ću ga kupiti. Prelijepo miriše i tako je nježan na koži. Ma najbolji.
3. Nivea Long repair Shampoo-I love it and I repurchased it many times and I will for a long time./Volim ovaj šampon, definitivno je sve ono što mi treba. Kupovala sam ga već nekoliko puta i kupovaću ga još zadugo
4. Nivea Long Repair Conditioner-The best item I've ever used !!! Going to repurchase it forever. i just feel the difference on my hair... Love Love Love /Najbolji regenerator ikada ! Uvijek ću da ga kupujem.Promjena se definitivno primijeti. 

Dove is one of the best deodorants out there. Feels soft and gentle on my skin, that is why I always buy this one !/Najbolji dezodorans koji se nalazi na tržištu. Nježan je i zbog toga uvijek kupujem ovaj dezodorans.

She Natural Makeup-The worst foundation ever ! Never going to buy it again !/ Najgori puder ikada !!! Više ga nikada neću kupiti.

Violeta Get Fresh Wipes- I liked them and nice to use them while working all day to refresh your hands/Sviđaju mi se jer ih mogu koristiti kada radim po cijeli dan i nemam priliku da često perem ruke

1. Lancome Natural Touch Treatment Foundation-Like it but it doesn't cover my imperfections + not my shade(got it as a gift) Smells good/Sviđa mi se ali ne pokriva sve nedostatke na licu + nije odgovarajuća nijansa za moje lice(dobila sam to kao poklon) Lijepo miriše
2. Oriflame Grace Body Cream-Well there is nothing special with this cream except the packaging which is amazing for decoration, but feels nice on my skin, just nothing new that I can't find in other creams/Nema ništa posebno u vezi ove kreme osim da je pakovanje odlično za dekoraciju. Nisam našla ništa posebno u ovoj kremi što ne mogu nači u nekoj drugoj
3. Avon Detangling Spray Apple-The best Avon product of all time !!! I love it, smells amazing and does the job. My hair is so softer now and easier to comb. My sister uses it too/ Ovo je najbolji Avonov proizvod ! Tako mi se sviđa, odlično miriše i lakše mi je raščešljavati kosu s ovim sprejom. Moja sestra ga također koristi
4, 5. Avon Detangling Spray Watermelon & Kiwi-Same as no.3 !/ isto kao i broj 3.
6. DM Detangling Spray Hammamelis & Apricot-Imagine how does this smell ! Comparing this to all of the sprays this is my favorite of all time. definitely my best choice. I love it. I use one for kids because it is softer for the hair and smells better than any other !!! In Loveeee  Definitely going to buy it forever. This is one of those products that shows the results at the moment./Ovo je najbolji sprej za raščešljavanje kose od svih koje sam ikad koristila. Koristim dječiji sprej jer je nježniji prema kosi a miriše samo tako... Zaljubila sam se !!! Ovo ću kupovati zauvijek. Ovo je definitivno najbolji izum...Ovo je doista jedan od onih proizvoda koji odmah pokazuje rezultate, zato ga i volim
7. Jardins du Monde Brazilian Coffee Beans Shower Cream-Love Love Love ! I am not a coffee person but  I used this shower cream too quickly. Smells incredibly amazing /Nisam od onih koji piju kafu ali ovaj prozvod me definitivno napravio ovisnikom, prebrzo sam ga potrošila
8. Loreal Clensing Milk-Not finished yet but going to repurchase it. The best clenasing milk out there. Love it more than any other.. Bravo Loreal ! / Mlijeko za čišćenje lica koje me definitivno zalijepilo za sebe ! Najbolji koji sam probala. čim ga potrošim kupujem novi !
9. Balea Body Lotion-Nothing special, it was cheap but it is too watery.. Didn't like it../Ništa posebno, bilo je jeftino ali previše rijetko...Neću ga ponovo kupiti
10. Balea Frangipani Shower Gel-It has a unusual smell, actually it smells better in the shower. Since this was new on the market at the time I bought it I wanted to check it out. Nice one but I don't think I'll repurchase it. / Ima neobičan miris, i bolje miriše dok se koristi. Kada je tek izašao u prodaju kupila sam ga da ga isprobam i nije nešto posebno i ne vjerujem da ću ga ponovo kupiti
11. Yorx Perfumed Talc-Love it ! I'm just so sad I would not be able to buy it again. I love the rich smell, the softness on the skin...Just everything about this product. / Jako sam tužna što neću biti u prilici da ga ponovo kupim. Volim bogati miris i nježnost na koži, volim sve u vezi ovog proizvida
12. Enchanteur Perfumed Hand & Body Lotion-I love this product, it brings back memories, smells amazing, feels amazing...When I use it I feel like I'm in 16th century. :D Great ! / Volim ovaj proizvod, uživam u njegovom mirisu i prelijep je osjećaj na koži. Kada ga koristim osjećam se kao u 16.vijeku. predobro !
13. Avon White Lily Bubble Bath- I love it, smells great and makes so much bubbles ! As you can see from the packaging I've been using it for so long. Another way of saving. This is never going to run out haha :D + I love the bottle, can't wait to use it as a decoration... Yey ! / Sviđa mi se, prelijepo miriše. Kao što se vidi na ambalaži dugo ga već koristim i nikako da se potroši. Ovo se nikada neće potrošiti :P Jedva čekam da ovu bocu iskoristim za dekoraciju. 
14. Nivea Body Lotion Liquorice & Berry Extracts-Love the product. Feels amayzing and smells even better. It helps my skin and it is usually used after shower. Great !/Sviđa mi se proizvod, prelijep je na koži a još ljepše miriše. Najčešće se koristi nakon kupanja. Odlično !
15. Avon Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo- It is Avon's best shampoo of all time. Great and gentle on hair. I think it is a little bit too expensive for a little product, and since I used this up after 4 or 5 uses it is not recommended for those who have long hair. I will maybe going to repurchase it some other time again, because I really like it. / Ovo je najbolji šampon koji je Avon proizveo. Prelijep je i nježan na kosi. Mislim da je previše skup za premalo proizvoda, jer sam ga potrošila nakon 4 do 5 pranja i stvarno ga ne preporučujem nikome ko ima dugu kosu jer se ne isplati. Možda ću ga kupiti drugi puta jer mi se stvarno dopada.

1. Enliven Shea & Cocoa Body Butter-I like the product, it really feels nice on the skin and it is thick so there is no need for using too much. Another way of saving, you can have this one for such a long time / Sviđa mi se proiyvod i stvarno je nježan na koži, i gust je tako da nema potrebe za previše proizvoda, i to je još jedan način da uštedite jer ovo može trajati zadugo
2. Soph Luxurious Refreshing Body Splash Musk - I love this product, it feels so refreshing when spraying on the skin and it smells so luxurious. The name fits it just like that :D / Sviđa mi se ovaj prozvod jer je osvježavajući i luksuzno miriše. Ime mu baš pristaje.
3, 4. Dettol Instant Hand Sanitizer(Floral Essence 3, Spring Fresh 4)-I use this a lot. I have a travel size one in my bag and I just need it whenever I am in a rush or can't reach soap and water. loving this product and I have other products from this brand. they are all amazing. Love Love Love
5. Dabur Amla Serum Snake Oil-This product is amazing for wet hair. It just gives it a shine and it is easier to treat hair later. Just Amazing. Never imagined that snake oil would help my hair and feel so great. / Ovaj proizvod je predobar za mokru kosu. Daje joj sjaj i olakšava njeno održavanje. Nevjerovatno. Nikad nisam ni pomislila da bi zmijsko ulje pomoglo mojoj kosi i dao joj prelijep osjećaj. 

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