Hello my dear beauties!
It's been such a long time since I've blogged last time, but here I am finally. Much has been going on and had no time to post but I photographed everything, so I hope from now on I will be able to blog more often.
For today's recipe I prepared a beautiful colorful meal which I enjoyed making. It is very easy and everybody can do it ;)
So let's begin.
The blue pancake that I used as a base is the simplest pancake recipe with blue food color. So the recipe is optional.
I prepared half onion and let it cook until golden brown. Meanwhile I cut chicken breasts into small peaces and added it to the onion and oil. Cover it and let it cook until it is white and all the water evaporated. Then add some spinach and green beans. I also added salt, pepper, seasoning mix, cinnamon, ginger powder and turmeric. After it is all mixed together I added some homemade cream. You can use any high fat cream.
For the rice, I used one cup of rice and two cups water. Let it cook and absorb all the water, add just a little salt. When serving add 4 table spoons of corn.
Cook a few eggs and cut them the way you like. For decoration use some parsley, raspberries or any other fruit or vegetable that you like.
In order to enjoy the food, you need to make it colorful, the way you like it, you need to experiment and enjoy every bite. Be playful. This is also great for kids, I promise they will eat it at once.
Bon appétit
Drage moje ljepotice!
Proslo je dosta vremena od mog posljednjeg posta. Puno toga se desavalo da jednostavno nisam stizala da ista objavljujem, medjutim, kao sto vec znate, sve sam zabiljezila i fotografije su spremne da se objave s novim receptima. Za danasnji recept sam pripremila jednu veoma neobicnu ali jednostavnu veceru. Pa pocnimo sa receptom.
Plavi palacinak je najjednostavniji recept sa bojom za hranu.
Isjeckala sam pola luka i stavila na ulje da se dinsta, a u medjuvremenu sam pripremila pileca prsa i to dodala u luk. Nakon sto je sva tecnost isparila dodala sam malo spinata (po slobodnom izboru) i cetiri kasike graska. Zacini: so, biber, vegeta, cimet, djumbir i indijski safran (kurkuma). U to sam dodala 3 kasike domaceg masnog kajmaka, a vi mozete koristiti i vrhnje za kuhanje.
Rizu sam pripremila tako sto sam na jednu casu rize dodala dvije case vode i ostavila da kuha dok ne upije svu vodu. Dodala sam vrlo malo soli. Pred samo serviranje dodajte 4 kasike kukuruza.
Skuhajte nekoliko jaja i isjecite ih po vasoj zelji. Za dekoraciju koristite svjezi persun, kisele paprike, maline ili bilo koje drugo voce ili povrce.
Da biste istinski uzivali u svojoj hrani treba da je pripremate s ljubavlju, s mnogo razlicitih boja, treba da eksperimentisete i da uzivate u svakom zalogaju. Ovo je fantastican recept za djecu, pojesce sve u jednom dahu :D